The Professional Research on marketing of non traditional rural products of Mongolia is a component to support the Sustainable Grasslands Management Project implemented by the United Nations Development Program and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The immediate effect is to support the activities of UNDP’s SGMP by providing the research findings on market opportunities for non traditional and innovative rural products. We are now delighted to introduce this report summaryzing the results of our activities. In recent years the severe weather conditions have declined the number of livestock considerable sharply reducing the income of herders’ households. This makes clear, that the alternative livelihood project is an important policy response. This research has paid critical attention to the evaluation of market demand for rural products. In addition the ways how to introduce innovative and non traditional products were thoroughly examined to increase incomes of herders household and to protect them against vulnerability. So the research team has highlighted a number of recommendations based on the findings of the work.
Coalition of Monitoring and Protection of Human Rights under State of Emergency
Coalition of Monitoring and Protection of Human Rights under State of Emergency
Current situation of trafficking in person and relecant legislations in Mongolia
Current situation of trafficking in person and relecant legislations in Mongolia
Parliamentary Accountability and Good Governance: A Parliamentarian’s Handbook
Parliamentary Accountability and Good Governance: A Parliamentarian’s Handbook
Төрийн өмчийн их сургуулийн удирдлагын шинэчлэл олон нийтийн статус хамтын удирдлага
Management reforms and public status and collective management of the public universities (in Mongolian)
Management reforms and public status and collective management of the public universities (in Mongolian)
Хэвлэн нийтэлсэн: Олон Улсын Валютын сан
Он: 2008
Файлын төрөл: pdf
Файл: /uploads/site/1126/res_mat/SIP_2008_Article_IV_MON.pdf
Түлхүүр үг: Монголын уул уурхайн салбар, зэс алтны уурхайн төсөв, төрийн байгууллагад ажил эрхлэх ба цалин, хадгаламж, зээлийн хоршоо, Монголын засгийн газрын төсөв, засгийн газрын зарлага, засгийн газрын үйл ажиллагаа
Хэвлэн нийтэлсэн: Олон Улсын Валютын сан
Он: 2008
Файлын төрөл: pdf
Файл: /uploads/site/1126/res_mat/Mongolia_FSSA_mon.pdf
Түлхүүр үг: санхүүгийн тогтвортой байдал, банкны салбар, мөнгөний бодлого ба Монгол, санхүүгийн салбар, санхүүгийн систем, санхүүгийн үнэлгээ
Хэвлэн нийтэлсэн: Нээлттэй Нийгэм Форум
Он: 2007
Файлын төрөл: pdf
Файл: /forum_topics/OSF_Annual_Report2007_Mn.pdf
Түлхүүр үг: