This book was prepared at the request of the European Institute for the Media, as an aid to government officials and citizens interested in strengthening the positive role of the media in democratic processes, and especially in relation to free and fair elections.
It provides information on the role assigned to, or played by the media during election periods. This is achieved through a collection of documents from various sources and at different levels. These documents are originated by international organizations, national legislatures , including regulatory frameworks from state and other authorities, non-governmental organisations and professional bodies. The focus of attention are cases from European Union member states and candidate countries. At the same time, examples from third countries complete the picture.
Төрийн нууцын тухай өнөөгийн хандлагыг өөрчлөх замаар иргэдийн мэдэх эрхийг хангах нь
Орлогын Ажиглагч Индекс: Ил тод байдал: Засгийн газрууд ба газрын тос, байгалийн хий, уул уурхайн үйлдвэрлэл
Хятад улс Дэлхийн худалдааны байгууллагад нэгдсэн нь: Хөгжиж буй хөрш орнуудад яаж нөлөөлөх вэ?
ХДХВ/ДОХ-ын халдвараас сэргийлэх талаарх Монголын боловсролын салбарын бодлогын арга хэмжээ, бэлэн байдал
Хэвлэн нийтэлсэн: Jung Hae Gu, Kim Ho Ki
Он: 2008
Файлын төрөл: pdf
Файл: /uploads/site/1126/res_mat/res_mat-193.pdf
Түлхүүр үг: development policy, democratization movement in South Korea, government policy in South Korea,
Хэвлэн нийтэлсэн: USAID
Он: 2004
Файлын төрөл: pdf
Файл: /uploads/site/1126/res_mat/res_mat-160.pdf
Түлхүүр үг: economic competitiveness of Mongolia, foreign direct investment in Mongolia, country risk and investment, political risk and investment, economic risk and investment, financial risk and investment, Mongolia's rank, investors, governments, risk management, economic risk measures
Хэвлэн нийтэлсэн: Democratic Governing Institutions Capacity Building project
Он: 2001
Файлын төрөл: pdf
Файл: /uploads/site/1126/res_mat/res_mat-161.pdf
Түлхүүр үг: corruption, law of Mongolia against corruption, legislature, parliament of Mongolia, government of Mongolia, corruption rate, political party, funding of political parties, judiciary, civil service, integrity system, integrity system of Mongolia