Зохиогч: Freedom House
Хэвлэн нийтэлсэн: Freedom House
Он: 2001
Төрөл: pdf
Файл татах: Үзэх
Түлхүүр үг: governance, Mongolia, government policy, democratic society, political reform
Хөтөлбөр: Ардчиллын институцүүдийг бэхжүүлэх нь

The country has coped with a double transition - from an authoritarian state to a democracy, as well as from a centralized to a market economy. The political reform and democratisation in Mongolia have been remarkably swift, smooth and thorough. After almost seventy years of socialist rule in virtual isolation from the outside world (except for the COMECON countries), Mongolia stands out as one of the front-runners in political and institutional reform. An open and democratic society has been established and is being consolidated at all levels.

Зохиогч: Freedom House
Хэвлэн нийтэлсэн: Freedom House
Он: 2001
Төрөл: pdf
Файл татах: Үзэх
Түлхүүр үг: governance, Mongolia, government policy, democratic society, political reform
Хөтөлбөр: Ардчиллын институцүүдийг бэхжүүлэх нь