The guide “Making Laws in Mongolia” informs the reader about the role of citizens in a society ruled by law. It also provides information about opportunities for participation in law making. And it has been written to promote respect for the law and to encourage citizens’ to make significant contributions to state affairs. You may be aware that in 1992 we adopted our democratic Constitution. The constitution guarantees human rights and freedom, the principle of equality before the law, the opportunity to participate in state affairs on an equal basis through the right to elect and be elected, and our noble mission to create a humanitarian and civil democratic society. Every citizen may contribute and play a very important role in the achievement of our ultimate goal. In my view it is particularly important to acknowledge and realize our noble mission of allowing the citizens of this democratic state to benefit from the legal right to participate in law making. This is of course the primary mechanism to determine state policy, and to faithfully devote our spirit to the development of the society.