Non Governmental Organizations and Tax
The guidebook aims at providing you - the citizen that works with NGOs in any connection with complex information on tax and tax-related issues in a simple, comprehensive and interesting way. Here you can get detailed information in certain case formats on what kind of taxes should NGOs and NGO officers pay in accordance with legislation, on which taxes they should enjoy tax exemption and relief, and how they should report their tax and where they can consult on tax-related issues and disputes. We have also tried to provide the reader with references to legal terminology as we hope this will be helpful and significant. Everyone interested in thistopic, including academic researchers, students, policy makers and decision makers, can make use of this guidebook.
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Төрийн өмчийн их сургуулийн удирдлагын шинэчлэл олон нийтийн статус хамтын удирдлага
Хэвлэн нийтэлсэн: Нээлттэй Нийгэм Форум
Он: 2007
Файлын төрөл: pdf
Файл: /forum_topics/OSF_Annual_Report2007_Mn.pdf
Түлхүүр үг: